ReShape/International HIV Partnerships

Mutual Mentoring

Movement Building

Health for All

The Chemsex Forum

Who we are


Dear Colleague / Activist / Fellow Human


Since 2010 IHP has been a resource for isolated HIV clinicians and community activists in underserved regions in Europe and Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and now in Asia

IHP launched ReShape in 2013, as a resource for organisers committed to “reshape the response to HIV, viral hepatitis and related sexual and mental health concerns” in the context of new, but very high cost, Hep C treatments, an international lag in PrEP approval, the growing chemsex crisis, and a sense, by some, that our movement was under performing

The social inequities exposed by Covid-19, now coinciding with the the 40th anniversary reflections on the history and future of HIV, have brought renewed focus on the intractable inequities in the HIV model which, all too sadly mirror those in Covid-19

As terrible as it’s been, Covid-19 has served as an incubator for new solutions to long lasting problems and a catalyst for innovation


As ReShape/International HIV Partnership we have intense commitment to new ideas, new collaborations, and new approaches to fulfill the promises of the HIV model for people, communities and regions who are still not being seen, remain ignored, or distanced from evidence-based solutions benefitting others

We’re clearly in a moment of profound transition. We are not going to fulfil the promises of 21st century medical and social science without addressing the marginalisation and stigmatisation inside our key communities. “What got us here, won’t get us there”


We are not discarding the HIV model but insisting it fulfil its promise and potential. The model serves many marginalised people, especially white and gay men. We all know the challenges that service has entailed. Yet the pathways we’ve developed for those marginalised people have become in strange ways “owned” by them, unable to be shared. This is not news. Change happens fitfully and unequally

Like so many of the people we quote attest: we can fix it. We can centre the needs and aspirations of more marginalised communities. But the sector, the funding processes, the established way of doing things will need to evolve to challenge the entire system of marginalisation and othering rather than just meet the needs of more privileged, the less isolated marginalised groups


This will be far from easy, which makes the work we propose to focus on emerging activists and empowering marginalised communities is so central to the solution

In Solidarity

Ben with Nia

Our mission


ReShape serves as a dynamic resource consultancy and think tank, fostering global collaboration with diverse activists and organisers, within and beyond the scope of the HIV response, to centre marginalised communities, their hopes and needs for sexual health, mental well-being, social equity, and justice. In an era marked by increasing social disparities, migration, and confusion, as well as waning civil societies, movement fatigue and social loneliness, our work plays a pivotal role in uniting communities. We champion networking, open-source sharing, mutual mentoring, co-creation project development, solidarity and movement building to neutralise social and structural inequities.


Our key objectives include effective combination prevention for all who need it (including PrEP when available); accessible, innovative diagnostics, particularly for measuring viral load, to optimise the impact of U=U; and integrated, person-centred treatment and care for those impacted by HIV, liver disease, STIs, and related conditions. 

Our testimonals


We inspire visionary approaches and enable dynamic partnerships for HIV and related multimorbidities in the context of sexual health, mental health, and social wellbeing. We play a unique role in HIV response because we understand how to refocus our aims and actions, based on everchanging realities, without losing our essential sense of direction, purpose, and service.


“It’s always a pleasure to work with ReShape. They are incredibly collaborative and engage effectively with so many key global partners. They come up with great ideas to stimulate new approaches and connections, as well as managing the admin and the outreach, making it very easy for me to participate.” – Garry Brough, Positively UK and Fast Track Cities Initiative London

 “ReShape has been very good at fostering discussions among organisations and groups that would have otherwise not come together. They have prioritised inclusivity of marginalised voices, which is important. It has meant that discussions are rich and really interesting, which in turn encourages engagement. ReShape remains unique and very effective in the way they operate.” – Winnie Ssanyu Sseruma, International Development Consultant, London

 “Foundation for Social Education has had a strong cooperation for many years with ReShape. Their knowledge, experience and openness to other organisations have repeatedly helped us build a strong and cooperating organisation. They are incredibly open to new ideas and opportunities for action, but also willingly join local activities. It is a great pleasure to work with them.” – Magdalena Ankiersztejn-Bartczak, PhD, Foundation for Social Education, Warsaw

The ReShape Team


Ben Collins

Ben Collins

Director & Partnerships Lead He/Him

Ben Collins is a community organiser, founding director of ReShape/International HIV Partnerships

He is co-founder of the Chemsex Forum, board member and treasurer of EATG, and chair of the European Testing Week working group, a EuroTEST initiative. He serves on the EACS scientific committee for WAVE, Women Against Viruses in Europe and is a collaborator/partner with the SHE (Science, Health Education) Centre. 

He has been HIV+ since 1982, undetectable since 1998.

Nia Dunbar

Nia Dunbar

Director & Research and Educations Lead They/Them


Nia has worked at ReShape/IHP for over 9 years and is part of the secretariat organising the Chemsex Forum. They were a co-author of the Chemsex Position Paper

Nia has worked for many years in healthcare and has a particular interest mental and sexual health, stigma and trauma recovery

A photography graduate, Nia has in past lives in make-up artistry and acting. They enjoy spending time with their family, dogs Scooby and Louie and their plants


Anjula Weeranayake

Anjula Weeranayake

IT Consultant He/Him


Anjula is an ICSI,CISCO and Fortinet certified IT engineer having years of experience in working with different industries around the world.

He is of the belief that as a tech enthusiast he has a social responsibility in helping others in need through his professionalism.

Anjula has put this vision into action by being an active volunteer in several United Nations programs. In addition, he runs a free online help center to help victims of cyberbullying.

He is also a proud product from the University of Bedfordshire ,UK.

Charlie Dunbar-Aldred

Charlie Dunbar-Aldred

Communications & Operations Lead He/Him

Charlie began working with ReShape 7 years ago as a part time administrator and is now the Communications and Operations Lead. He is working towards meaningful youth engagement in ReShape’s work. He also builds and facilitates workshops and delivered one recently at WeBelong in London. Charlie has joined the Munich Youth Force on the fundraising working group in the run up to IAS 2024. 

Yasir Ali Khan

Yasir Ali Khan

Community Leader Of Chemsex Forum Platform He/Him

Yasir has done his masters in Project Management, he is a PLHIV and Peer Worker/Activist from Pakistan, with a specific focus on Chemsex and Harm Reduction. He runs numerous support groups for the treatment, prevention, and testing of HIV and support groups for the issues of drugs within the community, especially with chemsex practitioners who are infected with HIV. He is representing Pakistan as vice chairperson of the Network of Asian People who Use Drugs (NAPUD) and is also part of the technical working group of the Asia Chemsex Platform.

Our Partnerships – collaborators – consultants


ReShape/IHP secretariat can have a wide scope due to our rigorous mutual mentoring, networking, and team building, which we see as core strengths. We maintain dialogue with an ever-widening band of activist-organisers, researchers, clinicians, government officials, industry representatives and technical advisers

We can’t overstate the commitment and creativity of our partners in our various projects. We’ve created a unique environment for people to collaborate, but our partners have brought immense talents to the tasks we invite them to address

If you are interested in speaking with us in a zoom mutual mentoring session please email