ReShape is an independent London-based think tank formed to respond to the ongoing crisis in sexual health. ReShape seeks to promote personal happiness and social well-being by reinvigorating our community responses to HIV, hepatitis C, and related sexual and mental health concerns.
ReShape works in partnership with others, to focus on specific issues and projects of community/public health interest. Small consultative working groups identify gaps, needs and possible responses, inform ReShape internal discussion, promote activities (either inside ReShape or externally), and act as vehicles for further action and evaluation. ReShape activities are borne out of these consultations.
ReShape activities are designed to:
- Promote a community-based approach through supporting and encouraging people living with HIV and/or HCV to participate in the decisions and the implementation of responses to the epidemic
- Create a platform for sharing expertise and pooling of competences and strengths between organizations and services responding to the epidemic to stimulate innovation and inspire effective actions
- Generate dialogue and broaden understanding of HIV/HCV and their underlying issues through social and public events
- Support ReShape members, both practically and emotionally, in their capacity as clinicians, researchers, organizations and individuals, to achieve these goals and enhance the quality of interventions